Pattern for Hydrating Ember Routes Originally Rendered Via FastBoot
I've adopted the pattern of writing websites like this one and the marketing website for my company (XBE) as Ember apps that are pre-rendered using FastBoot and prember. Once familiar with that development pattern, it's quite straight forward and provides the benefits of a static site with the development and interactive benefits of a client-rendered app.
This post explains the pattern that I've used to ensure that the hydration of the Ember app's data store doesn't cause re-rendering issues while still getting the immediate route transition behavior that I prefer in all of my apps.
Here's a description of the specific problem:
When the application is pre-rendered, I'd like it to wait until the model is resolved before rendering so that the pre-rendered page includes all content. However, when I'm handling a transition to that page within the app (non-FastBoot) I'd like for the transition to happen immediately (before the model is resolved) to avoid a lag between the click and the transition. After the app is subsequently loaded, I'd like it to avoid displaying the "loading" state it would show during a route transition if the corresponding template was pre-rendered.
Let's start with the route and work backwards. I'd like to write an
task that is used to fetch the route's model, and
then have everything just work™ across the scenarios listed above.
The example below shows a minimal example of the idea.
// routes/example.js import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import RouteModelTask from 'marketing/mixins/route-model-task'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; export default Route.extend(RouteModelTask, { modelTask: task(function * (){ return yield'example', {}); }), });
And then when we render the template, we'll show a loading indicator
of some sort only if the modelTask
hasn't resolved yet. Again, this is
simplified and doesn't include any sugar to make dealing with the task
that is bound to the model
feel cleaner — I just didn't want
to confuse the ideas with additional abstraction.
// templates/example.hbs {{#if this.model.lastSuccessful}} {{#each this.model.lastSuccessful.value}} ✂️ {{/each}} {{else}} Loading... {{/if}}
Whether or not to defer rendering in various contexts is handled by the mixin, and therefore none of that logic clutters up any routes that implement this pattern.
Let's take a look at a stripped-down implementation of the mixin. I removed some of the logic that's needed to handle all types of routes to make the key initial ideas more obvious.
// mixins/route-model-task.js import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin'; import { task, waitForProperty, } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils'; export default Mixin.create({ fastboot: service(), router: service(), model(params) { this._super(...arguments); const { fastboot, modelTask } = this; assert('modelTask must be present in the route', isPresent(modelTask)); const instance = modelTask.perform(...arguments); if (fastboot.isFastBoot) { // defer rendering until the data is fetched from the server // but handle it this way to enable the route to render immediately // when not in fastboot to avoid that s l u g g i s h feel fastboot.deferRendering(instance); } return this.modelTask; }, afterModel() { const { _super, afterModelTask } = this; _super(...arguments); return afterModelTask.perform(...arguments); }, afterModelTask: task(function * (model) { const { fastboot, fastboot: { shoebox }, router, fullRouteName, } = this; if (fastboot.isFastBoot) { return; } else { let path = router.urlFor(fullRouteName); if (shoebox.retrieve('requestPath') === path) { // wait for the model task instance to idle before // rendering to avoid the *blink* of the model not being defined // as the data is hydrated return yield waitForProperty(model, 'isIdle', (v) => v); } } }), });
This all gives us the behavior that we want in all situations without clouding the route-specific logic.